Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Hallstatt : stuck to the mountains and lying at a beautiful lake in the south of Salzkammergut, Austria.

The name of the village is linked to Celtic and Pre-Illyrian peoples in Early Iron Age Europe, circa 800 - 400 BC.

Hallstatt means "estate of the salt chamber" and you can visit the historical salt mines and the Cultural Heritage Museum that hold the history of Hallstattersee.

Hallstätter See.

At the end of the 19th century you still had to take a boat or hike difficult mountain trails in order to arrive at Hallstatt.

Even in summer the lake remains a bit chilly for swimming. But you always can enjoy (especially on a rainy day) the arctic char, grayling, eel, carp and different sorts of white fish and trouts in one of the local restaurants.

It's not always as romantic as these pictures promise. From about mid-november until february the inhabitants of Hallstatt don't see the sun.

Around Hallstatt you will find some of the best hiking trails in Salzkammergut and you will be able to shoot some of the most spectacular pics in the mountain and lake scenery.

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